H12-Media is a advertising network of turkey . Which allows to help publisher to earning money for their sites/blog easily .
Increasing higest rates for publishers. h12-Media offers Various types of Banners, pop up ads , videos banners and ads etc.
Like 468x60 , 300x250 , 250x250 etc..
H12-Media is a trustable and fixed payment network. they apply CPM based for publishers and advertisers. Daily Reports is alos avaliable in h12-Media network. Refferal commission is also avaliable in this network .
- Payment Method: Paypal , Wire Transfer
- Minimum Payment: Paypal 5$ , Wire 500 $
- Payment Frequency: Request Payment
- Ads Type: CPM , CPC, Standard Banner ,pop up , video banners and ads.
- Country: Turkey
Payment Proof: